Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What about the rest?

The car manufacturers appear in DC starting tomorrow.

Joe Murrey of The Bulletin, a Philadelphia paper, has a commentary about the prognosis for U.S. manufacturing entitled: "Can US Manufacturing Industry Be Saved? "
But if the Big Three fail what will be left of the U.S. manufacturing base? Televisions, computers, cell phones, radios and other electronics have already been ceded to Asia, particularly to China. The U.S. barely makes cruise ships, Boeing is becoming a relic, and U.S. factories dwindle as China assumes her spot as the factory floor to the world.

Joe's last sentence:
As for the U.S., its greatest trade surpluses with China stem from corn, wheat, animal feeds, hides and skins, pulp, cotton, meat and soybeans - what Paul Craig Roberts called the "export profile of a 19th century Third World colony."

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