Monday, November 17, 2008

Bailing Out the Automotive Companies

I wonder how many of you work in businesses that rely on the automotive industry? If you do not work directly for an OEM are you a direct supplier? Tier 2?

The debate is on as to whether to give the big 3 some sort of support to get over the current credit crisis. The argument goes pretty much one of two ways.

Let them sink due to their own bad decisions. We have many alternatives thriving outside of Detroit.

The automotive companies support too many employees and retirees, and tiered suppliers to allow them to fail. Not now in this crisis. Plus, the US needs an automotive industry as a manufacturing base.

David Lazarus of the L.A. Times has an excellent article, "Bail out Big Three car makers? Sure, with conditions".
"It would be hugely catastrophic if Detroit went under," said Ehrlich, 60. "Some level of assistance would be helpful." Then he climbed into his German-made Porsche and roared off.

Lazarus's article, coming from a Californian perspective, is worth the read.

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