Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Is Play-Doh Penis a Design Flaw?

W have seen the scandalous pictures of the Play-Doh penis.

And the HEADLINES were awesome.  Many parents were OUTRAGED.

Looking at the Play-Doh facebook page adds some perspective, though:

A lot of people had no problem with the toy. Many were perplexed at the heights of emotion some adults reached over the perception that the Play-Doh extruder resembled a penis, in some ways.

The question is, did this ever come up during design reviews? Or in the prototype shop?  Or in the production approval process?   I mean, if you look at the pictures the toy's dickishness could have been toned down a bit.

Sometimes there is no accounting for customer tastes.  In the end the Play-Doh parent company Hasbro has offered to replace the toys for any scandalized adults and will change the design for future sales.

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