Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Industry - Solar Panels

One of the targets of the stimulus program is to promote green technologies, or new "high tech" industry. Through federal, state, and sometimes local incentives solar technology is becoming practical. I think the demand volume does not support low enough cost spread, so prices/costs are too high without support. But once demand is high enough, and manufacturing technology improves, the industry could/might be sustainable.
Colorado solar panel manufacturer Abound Solar Inc. opened its first, full-scale manufacturing plant Tuesday.

Abound Solar, started in 2007 as a spinoff from Colorado State University and formerly known as AVA Solar, expects to create more than 300 jobs at the new plant in Longmont. At capacity, the plant is expected to produce enough panels to generate about 200 megawatts of power per year.

The company makes “thin-film” photovoltaic panels and believes its proprietary manufacturing process will reduce production costs of its panels compared to other companies. Abound Solar said its process uses continuous, in-line, semiconductor equipment to convert sheets of glass to solar panels in less than two hours.

Anyway, here is a possible 300 job offset to last month's 600,000+ job loss.

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